Soon enough after I found out that I was headed to Brazil in September for my Corporate Service Corps deployment, I started looking around for Portuguese lessons. There were no convenient language schools near me, and I have had no success picking up a new language from text books. So I decided to give the "books on tape" method, as relentlessly promoted by Rosetta Stone at every single American airport terminal, a try.
I went to my friendly neighborhood public library and picked up the first (and only) audio CD there that promised to teach me Brazilian Portuguese. Pimsleur's Conversational Brazilian Portuguese came in an impressive box with 8 CDs, each with two roughly half-hour lessons - so 16 lessons in total. I popped the first one in my car CD player, and followed the instructions. Half an hour later, I knew how to say "I speak a little Portuguese" and a few other handy sentences.
All told, I can now order a beer ("eu quero uma cerveja"), ask directions to the bathroom ("onde fica o banheiro ? ") and buy things ("comprar coisas"). This won't get me very far in Brazil, I know, but hey, its a good start !
#ibmcsc brazil
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